Peaks of Solem



The Peaks of Solem are a region of mountains that sit between the borders of the Portisian Republic, the Qey Empire and the Dwarven Cities of Ulvarad. Historically, they were a point of contention between the three nations, while the peaks themselves were not rich with resources, they were considered a strong tactical vantage point. A treaty was signed, establishing the peaks as a de-militarised zone to act as a buffer between to avoid any further conflict.

In History
The Peaks of Solem were used as a major artery into Ulvarad during the War of Liberation. Used for both reinforcements and resupplying troops on the front line through the system of tunnels that had been dug through the mountains.

Following the War of Liberation, the Peaks were then used to resupply the Ulvarad Blockade, stopping anyone from entering Ulvarad as the conflict had done significant damage to the region.

After the Ulvarad Blockade was abandoned in 28 AL, some Qey moved into the Peaks, using the tunnels as a place to shelter. The Peaks themselves did not appear to have any precious resources to exploit, which made long term development unviable.

As the Qey grew into a stronger people and Dwarves began retaking Ulvarad; King Kilnen of Albasra was advised to strengthen the tunnel entrances between Albasra and the Peaks of Solem, as they represented a threat of invasion from either group. This advice fell on deaf ears as the adventurous King was more interested in exploring Linea. This was until the Melemese and Korthian rebellions, which saw the citizens of Melem and Korth secede from Albasra and establish their own nations. It was as Kilnen returned to Albasra to wrest control of the failing nation that Qey and Dwarf scouts were discovered, seemingly attempting to assess how vulnerable Albasra’s northern border was as well. In response, King Kilnen had the tunnel entrances destroyed and the Peaks patrolled for interlopers. This stressed relations between Ulvarad and the Qey but not enough to incite war.

As the decades passed Albasra, Ulvarad and the Qey would continue to use the Peaks as a scouting point against each other, incurring some small skirmishes. It was only when the Albasran War began that both Albasra and the Qey would abandon the region to put more troops into fighting the war in the south. When the Albasran War ended and the Portisian Republic was established, the three nations came to a more permanent solution.

The Peaks of Solem Treaty
In the year 160 AL, representatives from the Dwarven Cities of Ulvarad, the Portisian Republic and the Qey Empire came together and signed a treaty, establishing the Peaks of Solem as a de-militarised zone, preventing any of the three nations from using it for tactical advantage against the others. If any one nation entered the region, the other two would ally in opposition in defending the region.

After the Treaty
Up to the present day, the Peaks of Solem Treaty has been followed by the three neighbouring nations. While this has proven to be a wise political decision, it has also lead to the peaks’ old tunnels becoming overrun with a number of malicious entities, primarily consisting Goblins. While the Goblins remain a nuisance, the nations of Portis, Ulvarad and Qey Empire find defending their borders from Goblin scavengers to be preferable to invading armies.


Melemese Rebellion

