Dragonscar Alps



The Dragonscar Alps are a range of mountains that run through the middle of Linea, separating the north from the south. Little is known of the region due to its treacherous climbs and being fiercely defended by Dragonborn. There are a small number of Gnomish communities that live in the foothills but there are no documented records of conflict between the Gnomes and Dragonborn. In the western section of the Alps lies The Valley of Transit. A natural pathway from which Dinosaurs roam from the Sudden Forest towards Korth.

There is hidden or undocumented knowledge to be found

The Dragonborn are an intensely private and proud people. The Dragonscar Alps are the ancestral home for many Dragonborn that live across Linea. Typically, very few of them choose to live away from the Alps but some leave to experience other cultures before returning to their lives among the snowy peaks. The Dragonborn are highly defensive of their home, using the peaks and valleys to their advantage against interlopers. Qey folklore suggests the Dragonborn have inhabited the Alps for centuries, long before the Albasran Landings. They remain neutral in almost all affairs affecting Linea.

The Valley of Transit
The Valley of Transit is the best mapped area of the Alps. The Dragonborn appear to have no interest in defending it. The Valley is the most straightforward path into the region south of the Alps known as the Sudden Forest. Since the Albasran Landings, the Valley has been maintained by the citizens of Korth who use it to stem the flow of Dinosaurs roaming north. Historically, they performed this task by erecting a large wall which prevented anything from entering northern Linea at all. After the Korthian Rebellion, however, the leaders of the new country elected to demolish the wall, choosing to capitalise on the natural resources the Dinosaurs provide. In the wall's place they built what became known as The Gates of Transit. A series of half walls akin to baffles which slows movement through the Valley, allowing tamers to trap and eventually contain the beasts before they reach the other end. This system has proved enormously successful for Korth.

The floor of the valley is roughly 200 ft across, with the valley walls stretching several hundred feet into the sky. Throughout the centuries, the valley floor has been levelled and flattened to make for faster travel and easier trapping of Dinosaurs. Each constructed gate reaches just over halfway along the valley floor and 30 feet tall. Each gate has been built angled towards the south, like saw teeth, in order to further slow the advance of Dinosaurs. Each gate also has walkways and zip-lines between them to allow for fast travel across the tops while nets and other methods of trapping are used on the beasts.




Qey Empire